Basement manifesto and petition

Dear Fellow Resident

Please see the following website:

Our local councillors have been very helpful in pushing the agenda of a stricter regime for all basements, not just banning the mega-basements. A few of us, from Markham Square, the Clarevilles and Stanhope Mews, met Cllrs Coleridge and Paget-Brown in August last year. They promised change; but it has been slow to come; and their reflex is to get into the bunker with officers and resist resident pressure. Many residents have heard about this meeting and our manifesto, so we decided to put it online and create a petition to keep the pressure up. The basic idea is not to ban basements at all: it is to make sure people dig them in a way that allows us to continue to live here and wrests control of our streets back from basement companies.

Please do sign it and forward to as many residents as you know, and remember to confirm your signature when you receive the confirmation email!



January 18, 2015 | RBJC

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